certified Registered Dietitian Kristen Kiesow

About Me

Hi there! My name is Kristen Kiesow and I am a certified Registered Dietitian (RD) and nutritionist. I have university degrees in both nutrition and psychology, and my primary goal is to help clients discover food freedom. Working within the Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size frameworks, I am motivated to support clients with finding healthy eating patterns that are personalized for their life.
Kristen Kiesow registered Nutritionist

What I can help you with

I am certified to work in all areas of nutrition, but I can be primarily helpful with:

Intuitive Eating

Eating Disorders

Gut Health

Women's health & pregnancy

Sports Nutrition

General Nutrition Services

My Strong Suit

Empathy. No matter where you are in your wellness journey, I will always hear your concerns using a non-judgmental approach. Nutrition is not ‘one size fits all’, and neither are you. 

My Qualification

Kirsten RD credential

My Passion

To help you enjoy food again! I want to break food rules and reject diet culture so we can all find joy and freedom with food. These are not easy steps to take, but they are so worth it. 

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